Text-to-Image Summary – Part 1

This is Part 1. There is also Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8.

What Are Text-to-Image Systems

Text-to-Image systems/models/scripts/networks (what is the official correct term for these?) are machine learning based models that take a descriptive phrase as input and attempt to generate images that match the input phrase.


You do need a decent NVIDIA GPU. 3090 recommended for 768×768 resolution, 2080 for smaller 256×256 images, 10xx possibly for tiny images or if you want to try reduced settings and wait ages for results. If you have a commercial grade GPU with more memory you will be able to push these resolutions higher. VRAM matters more than GPU model, ie you can get 3090s with only 16GB of VRAM and others with 24GB. You may see a laptop with an advertised 3080 GPU, but the total VRAM will likely be much smaller than a desktop 3080. I have now updated these posts with the maximum resolution and times for a 2080 SUPER with 8GB VRAM to give people an idea of what an 8GB VRAM GPU will do.

To run these scripts from Visions of Chaos you need to have installed these prerequisites. Once you get all the prerequisites setup it really is as simple as typing your prompt text and clicking a button. I do include a lot of other settings so you can tweak the script parameters as you do more experimentation.

Text-to-Image GUI

Visions of Chaos Text-to-Image Tutorial

You can watch the following tutorial video to get an idea of how the Text-to-Image mode works in Visions of Chaos.

Text-to-Image Scripts Included With Visions of Chaos

The rest of this blog post (and other parts) lists the 115 (so far) Text-to-Image scripts that I have been able to get working with Visions of Chaos.

If you are the author of one of these scripts then many thanks to you for sharing the code publicly. If you are a creator of a script I do not include here, please leave a comment with a link or send me an email so I can try it out. If you are a better coder than I am and improve any of these also let me know and I will share your fixes with the world.

I have included sample image outputs from each script. Most of the text prompts for these samples come from a prompt builder I include with Visions of Chaos that randomly combines subjects, adjectives, styles and artists.

Note also that these samples all use the default settings for GAN and CLIP models. Most of the included scripts allow tweaking of settings and different models to alter the outputs. There is a much wider range of output images possible. Download Visions of Chaos to experiment with all the combinations of scripts, models, prompts and settings.

Name: Deep Daze
Author: Phil Wang
Original script: https://github.com/lucidrains/deep-daze
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 1 minutes 53 seconds.
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: 1024×1024
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 256×256 1 minute 9 seconds
Description: This was the first Text-to-Image script I ever found and tested. The output images from the original script are very washed out and pastel shaded, but after adding some torchvision transforms for brightness, contrast and sharpness tweaks they are a little better. Very abstract output compared to the other scripts.

'a bronze sculpture of a colorful parrot in the style of Kandinsky' Deep Daze Text-to-Image
a bronze sculpture of a colorful parrot in the style of Kandinsky

'a crying person' Deep Daze Text-to-Image
a crying person

'a desert oasis' Deep Daze Text-to-Image
a desert oasis

'a surrealist painting of the Terminator made of silver' Deep Daze Text-to-Image
a surrealist painting of the Terminator made of silver

'a zombie in the style of Turner' Deep Daze Text-to-Image
a zombie in the style of Turner

Name: Big Sleep
Author: Phil Wang
Original script: https://github.com/lucidrains/big-sleep
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 4 minutes 0 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: 512×512
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 512×512 6 minutes 39 seconds
Description: Can give a good variety of images for any prompt text and does not suffer from the coloring or tiled image issues some of the other methods do. See here for my older post with a lot of Big Sleep examples. If you give it a chance and run repeated batches of the same prompt you can get some very nice results.

'H R Giger' Big Sleep Text-to-Image
H R Giger

'surrealism' Big Sleep Text-to-Image

'colorful surrealism' Big Sleep Text-to-Image
colorful surrealism

'a charcoal drawing of a landscape' Big Sleep Text-to-Image
a charcoal drawing of a landscape

Name: VQGAN+CLIP z-quantize
Author: Katherine Crowson
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1L8oL-vLJXVcRzCFbPwOoMkPKJ8-aYdPN
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 3 minutes 11 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: 768×768 or 1120×480
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 256×256 6 minutes 39 seconds
Description: The outputs tend to be divided up into rectangular regions, but the resulting imagery can be interesting.

'a drawing of a bouquet of flowers made of cardboard' VQGAN+CLIP z-quantize Text-to-Image
a drawing of a bouquet of flowers made of cardboard

'a rose made of silver' VQGAN+CLIP z-quantize Text-to-Image
a rose made of silver

'a tilt shift photo of traffic' VQGAN+CLIP z-quantize Text-to-Image
a tilt shift photo of traffic

'an abstract painting of a house made of crystals' VQGAN+CLIP z-quantize Text-to-Image
an abstract painting of a house made of crystals

'an abstract painting of a skull' VQGAN+CLIP z-quantize Text-to-Image
an abstract painting of a skull

VQGAN+CLIP z-quantize allows specifying an image as the input starting point. If you take the output, stretch it very slightly, and then feed it back into the system each frame you get a movie zooming in. For this movie I used SRCNN Super Resolution to double the resolution of the frames and then Super Slo-Mo for optical flow frame interpolation (both SRCNN and Super Slo-Mo are included with Visions of Chaos). The VQGAN model was “vqgan_imagenet_f16_16384” and the CLIP model was “ViT-B/32”. The prompts were the seven deadly sins, ie “a watercolor painting depicting pride”, “a watercolor painting depicting greed” etc.

The more astute viewers among you will notice there are only 6 of the sins in the previous video. What happened to “lust”? A while back one of my uploads was flagged as porn by the YouTube robots. Their (what I assume is) machine learning based system detected my upload as porn when there was no porn in it. An appeal was met with instant denial and so I now have a permanent “warning” on my channel with no way to talk to a person who could spend 1 minute looking at the video to tell it isn’t porn. Another warning would lead to a strike, so I am being overly cautious and omitting the lust part from the YouTube video. Those who want to see the full 7 part movie can click the following link to watch it on my LBRY channel.


Thanks LBRY!

Name: VQGAN+CLIP codebook
Author: Katherine Crowson
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/15UwYDsnNeldJFHJ9NdgYBYeo6xPmSelP
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 3 minutes 19 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: 768×768 or 1120×480
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 256×256 3 minutes 46 seconds
Description: VQGAN-CLIP codebook seem to give very similar images for the same prompt phrase, so repeatedly running the script (with different seed values) does not give a wide variety of resulting images. Still gives interesting results.

'a happy alien' VQGAN+CLIP codebook Text-to-Image
a happy alien

'a library' VQGAN+CLIP codebook Text-to-Image
a library

'a teddy bear' VQGAN+CLIP codebook Text-to-Image
a teddy bear

'digital art of a colorful parrot' VQGAN+CLIP codebook Text-to-Image
digital art of a colorful parrot

'digital art of an amusement park' VQGAN+CLIP codebook Text-to-Image
digital art of an amusement park

Name: Aleph2Image Gamma
Author: Ryan Murdock
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1VAO22MNQekkrVq8ey2pCRznz4A0_jY29
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 2 minutes 1 second
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: Locked to 512×512
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: Unable to run on 8GB VRAM
Description: This one seems to evolve white blotches that grow and take over the entire image. Before the white out stage the images tend to have too much contrast.

'H R Giger' Aleph2Image Gamma Text-to-Image
H R Giger

'surrealism' Aleph2Image Gamma Text-to-Image

'seascape painting' Aleph2Image Gamma Text-to-Image
seascape painting

Name: Aleph2Image Delta
Author: Ryan Murdock
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1oA1fZP7N1uPBxwbGIvOEXbTsq2ORa9vb
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 2 minutes 1 second
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: Locked to 512×512
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: Unable to run on 8GB VRAM
Description: A newer revision of Aleph2Image that doesn’t have the white out issues. The resulting images have much more vibrant colors and that may be a good or bad point depending on your preferences.

'a sketch of an angry person' Aleph2Image Delta Text-to-Image
a sketch of an angry person

'a spooky forest' Aleph2Image Delta Text-to-Image
a spooky forest

'a sunset in the style of Rembrandt' Aleph2Image Delta Text-to-Image
a sunset in the style of Rembrandt

'a surrealist painting of a forest path' Aleph2Image Delta Text-to-Image
a surrealist painting of a forest path

'a tropical beach' Aleph2Image Delta Text-to-Image
a tropical beach

Name: Aleph2Image Delta v2
Author: Ryan Murdock
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1NGM9L8qP0gwl5z5GAuB_bd0wTNsxqclG
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 3 minutes 42 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: Locked to 512×512
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 512×512 7 minutes 05 seconds
Description: A newer revision of Aleph2Image Delta that gives much sharper results. The resulting images tend to be similar to each other for each prompt text so not a lot of variety.

'a cartoon of love in the style of Claude Monet' Aleph2Image Delta v2 Text-to-Image
a cartoon of love in the style of Claude Monet

'a detailed painting of a rose' Aleph2Image Delta v2 Text-to-Image
a detailed painting of a rose

'a drawing of a volcano' Aleph2Image v2 Delta Text-to-Image
a drawing of a volcano

'a house' Aleph2Image v2 Delta Text-to-Image
a house

'a submarine' Aleph2Image v2 Delta Text-to-Image
a submarine

Name: Deep Daze Fourier
Author: Vadim Epstein
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/gist/afiaka87/e018dfa86d8a716662d30c543ce1b78e/text2image-siren.ipynb
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 4 minutes 54 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: 512×512 or 640×360
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 128×128 2 minutes 59 seconds
Description: Creates more collaged images with sharp, crisp bright colors.

'a pencil sketch of a vampire made of bones' Deep Daze Fourier Text-to-Image
a pencil sketch of a vampire made of bones

'H R Giger' Deep Daze Fourier Text-to-Image
H R Giger

'medusa made of wood' Deep Daze Fourier Text-to-Image
medusa made of wood

'Shrek eating pizza' Deep Daze Fourier Text-to-Image
Shrek eating pizza

'surrealist Homer Simpson' Deep Daze Fourier Text-to-Image
surrealist Homer Simpson

Name: Text2Image v2
Author: Denis Malimonov
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/github/tg-bomze/collection-of-notebooks/blob/master/Text2Image_v2.ipynb
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 1 minute 48 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: Locked to 512×512
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 512×512 3 minutes 12 seconds
Description: Can give more abstract results of the input phrase. Colors and details can be sharp, but not always. Good variety of output for each input phrase. Definitely worth a try.

'a fireplace made of voxels' Text2Image v2 Text-to-Image
a fireplace made of voxels

'a green tree frog in the style of M C Escher' Text2Image v2 Text-to-Image
a green tree frog in the style of M C Escher

'a pencil sketch of an evil alien' Text2Image v2 Text-to-Image
a pencil sketch of an evil alien

'a sea monster' Text2Image v2 Text-to-Image
a sea monster

'The Incredible Hulk made of silver' Text2Image v2 Text-to-Image
The Incredible Hulk made of silver

Name: The Big Sleep Customized
Author: NMKD
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Q2DIeMqYm_Sc5mlurnnurMMVqlgXpZNO
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 1 minute 45 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: Locked to 512×512
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 512×512 3 minutes 09 seconds
Description: Another good one. Worth exploring further.

'a forest path' The Big Sleep Customized Text-to-Image
a forest path

'a watercolor painting of a colorful parrot in the style of Kandinsky' The Big Sleep Customized Text-to-Image
a watercolor painting of a colorful parrot in the style of Kandinsky

'a western town' The Big Sleep Customized Text-to-Image
a western town

'Christmas' The Big Sleep Customized Text-to-Image

'medusa made of vines' The Big Sleep Customized Text-to-Image
medusa made of vines

Name: Big Sleep Minmax
Author: @!goose
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/12CnlS6lRGtieWujXs3GQ_OlghmFyl8ch
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 1 minute 45 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: Locked to 512×512
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 512×512 3 minutes 10 seconds
Description: Another interesting Big Sleep variation. Allows a second phrase to be specified that is minimized in the output. For example if your prompt for a landscape painting has too many clouds you could specify clouds as the minimize prompt so the system outputs less clouds in the resulting image.

'a charcoal drawing of an eyeball' Big Sleep Minmax Text-to-Image
a charcoal drawing of an eyeball

'an ultrafine detailed painting of a crying person made of voxels' Big Sleep Minmax Text-to-Image
an ultrafine detailed painting of a crying person made of voxels

'dense woodland' Big Sleep Minmax Text-to-Image
dense woodland

'King Kong made of wrought iron in the style of Frida Kahlo' Big Sleep Minmax Text-to-Image
King Kong made of wrought iron in the style of Frida Kahlo

'Michael Myers' Big Sleep Minmax Text-to-Image
Michael Myers

Name: CLIP Pseudo Slime Mold
Author: hotgrits
Original script: https://discord.com/channels/729741769192767510/730484623028519072/850857930881892372
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 2 minutes 57 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: Locked to 512×512
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: Unable to run on 8GB VRAM
Description: This one gives unique output compared to the others. Really nicely defined sharp details. The colors come from any color palette you select (currently all the 3,479 palettes within Visions of Chaos can be used) so you can “tint” the resulting images with color shades you prefer.

'H R Giger' CLIP Pseudo Slime Mold Text-to-Image
H R Giger

'H R Giger' CLIP Pseudo Slime Mold Text-to-Image
H R Giger with a different color palette

'Shrek eating pizza' CLIP Pseudo Slime Mold Text-to-Image
Shrek eating pizza

'seascape painting' CLIP Pseudo Slime Mold Text-to-Image
seascape painting

Name: Aleph2Image Dall-E Remake
Author: Daniel Russell
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/17ZSyxCyHUnwI1BgZG22-UFOtCWFvqQjy
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 3 minutes 42 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: 768×768
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 256×256 3 minutes 02 seconds
Description: Another Aleph2Image variant.

'a color pencil sketch of Jason Vorhees made of plastic' Aleph2Image Dall-E Remake Text-to-Image
a color pencil sketch of Jason Vorhees made of plastic

'a cubist painting of a science laboratory' Aleph2Image Dall-E Remake Text-to-Image
a cubist painting of a science laboratory

'a green tree frog in the style of Kandinsky' Aleph2Image Dall-E Remake Text-to-Image
a green tree frog in the style of Kandinsky

'a watercolor painting of Godzilla' Aleph2Image Dall-E Remake Text-to-Image
a watercolor painting of Godzilla

'an octopus' Aleph2Image Dall-E Remake Text-to-Image
an octopus

Author: Eleiber
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1go6YwMFe5MX6XM9tv-cnQiSTU50N9EeT
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 2 minutes 52 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: 768×768 or 1120×480
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 256×256 3 minutes 53 seconds
Description: “v3” because it is the third VQGAN system I have tried and it didn’t have a unique specific name. Gives clear sharp images. Can give very painterly results with visible brush strokes if you use “a painting of” before the prompt subject.

'a pencil sketch of a campfire in the style of Da Vinci' VQGAN+CLIP v3 Text-to-Image
a pencil sketch of a campfire in the style of Da Vinci

'a pop art painting of a lush rainforest' VQGAN+CLIP v3 Text-to-Image
a pop art painting of a lush rainforest

'a storybook illustration of a cityscape' VQGAN+CLIP v3 Text-to-Image
a storybook illustration of a cityscape

'an airbrush painting of frogs' VQGAN+CLIP v3 Text-to-Image
an airbrush painting of frogs

'the Amazon Rainforest' VQGAN+CLIP v3 Text-to-Image
the Amazon Rainforest

VQGAN+CLIP v3 allows specifying an image as the input starting point. If you take the output and repeatedly use it as the input with some minor image stretching each frame you can get a movie zooming into the Text-to-Image output. For this movie I used SRCNN Super Resolution to double the resolution of the frames and then Super Slo-Mo for optical flow frame interpolation (both SRCNN and Super Slo-Mo are included with Visions of Chaos). The VQGAN model was “vqgan_imagenet_f16_16384” and the CLIP model was “ViT-B/32”.

This next example movie is showing a “Self-Driven” zoom movie. As in a regular zoom movie the output frames are slightly stretched and fed back into the system each frame. The self-driven difference with this movie is that the Text-to-Image prompt text is automatically changed every 2 seconds by CLIP detecting what it “sees” in the current frame. This way the movie subjects are automatically changed and steered in new directions in a totally automated way. There is no human control except me setting the initial “A landscape” prompt. After that it was fully automated.

By default the CLIP Image Captioning script is very good at detecting what is in an image. Using the default accuracy resulted in a zoom movie that got stuck with a single topic or subject. One got stuck on a slight variation of a prompt dealing with kites, so as the zoom movie went deeper it only showed kites. Luckily after tweaking and decreasing the accuracy of the CLIP captioning the predicitons allow the resulting subjects to drift to new topics during the movie.

Author: crimeacs
Original script: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ZAus_gn2RhTZWzOWUpPERNC0Q8OhZRTZ
Time for 512×512 on a 3090: 2 minutes 37 seconds
Maximum resolution on a 24 GB 3090: 768×768 or 1120×480
Maximum resolution on an 8GB 2080: 256×256 3 minutes 05 seconds
Description: Another improved VQGAN system utilizing pooling. “v4” because it is the forth VQGAN system I have tried and it didn’t have a unique specific name.

'a fine art painting of a cozy den' VQGAN+CLIP v4 Text-to-Image
a fine art painting of a cozy den

'a king in the style of Kandinsky' VQGAN+CLIP v4 Text-to-Image
a king in the style of Kandinsky

'a nurse in the style of Edward Hopper' VQGAN+CLIP v4 Text-to-Image
a nurse in the style of Edward Hopper

'a pastel of a demon' VQGAN+CLIP v4 Text-to-Image
a pastel of a demon

'a watercolor painting of a mountain path' VQGAN+CLIP v4 Text-to-Image
a watercolor painting of a mountain path

VQGAN+CLIP v4 allows specifying an image as the input starting point. If you take the output and repeatedly use it as the input with some minor image stretching each frame you can get a movie zooming into the Text-to-Image output. For this movie I used SRCNN Super Resolution to double the resolution of the frames and then Super Slo-Mo for optical flow frame interpolation (both SRCNN and Super Slo-Mo are included with Visions of Chaos). The VQGAN model was “vqgan_imagenet_f16_16384” and the CLIP model was “ViT-B/32”.

The text prompts for each part came from an idea in a YouTube comment to try more non-specific terms to see what happens, so here are the results of “an image of fear”, “an image of humanity”, “an image of knowledge”, “an image of love”, “an image of morality” and “an image of serenity”.

Here is another example. This time using the prompt of various directors, ie “Stanley Kubrick imagery”, “David Lynch imagery” etc. No super resolution this time. Super Slo-Mo was used for optical flow. I wasn’t sure if YouTube would accept the potentially unsettling horror visuals and I do not want to risk the hassle of a strike, so being on the safe side I am hosting this one on my LBRY channel only. Click the following image to open the movie in a new window. Note that LBRY can be a lot slower to buffer, so you may need to pause it for a while to let the movie load in.

Directors Text-to-Image

If you find that too slow to buffer/load I also have a copy on my BitChute channel here.

Any Others I Missed?

Do you know of any other colabs and/or github Text-to-Image systems I have missed? Let me know and I will see if I can convert them to work with Visions of Chaos for a future release. If you know of any public Discords with other colabs being shared let me know too.


17 responses to “Text-to-Image Summary – Part 1

  1. Big Sleep Minmax is an interesting variation if you set the minimize text to oppose the input text. For example if you use your “favorite” H R Giger for the input text but put the word “BLACK” in the minimize text, it will bring out none of the black biomechanical do-dads and give you more of his white images. Using “WHITE” in the minimize text strangely give you more RED objects.

    I’m sure there are many other counter minimizing words examples that can keep the AI scratching it head to please us.

  2. This is awesome! A question about Katherine’s codebook method
    In step 22 today I am suddenly getting
    ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
    in ()
    11 from PIL import Image
    12 import requests
    —> 13 from taming.models import cond_transformer, vqgan
    14 import torch
    15 from torch import nn, optim
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘taming’
    Any ideas? Thanks!

  3. note: For the “CLIP Decision Transformer” script, I believe a simple
    “pip install transformers”
    is required at the Windows command prompt, to prevent a “module not found” error
    Apart from that it works wondefully! 🙂

      • np. I also believe a “pip install noise” is required for the “Zoetrope 5” Script to work without a “module not found error – works fine then once I do this 🙂

      • That one is already in the instructions. I think I know what happened. You installed Visions of Chaos a while ago and I updated the instructions after adding Zoetrope, but you did not run the new pip commands. At least you know how to fix it.

  4. Thanks for another great update. I see you have added a dropdown for custom resolutions. Unfortunately my 3070 can’t handle very many of them, but I used to be able to push it to 350×256, or 800×80 etc. I’d love it if we still had the option to define a resolution ourselves? – or is there some option still to do that, that I’m missing? thanks

  5. Hi there i think that in MSE VQGAN+CLIP z+quantize model option of using pipes and weights to seperate prompts is broken.

    prompt = vivid painting of house holographic effect:0.2
    v3 – Using texts: [‘vivid painting of house’, ‘holographic effect:0.2’]
    MSE – using prompts: [‘ vivid painting of house| holographic effect:0.2’]

    And when weight is in diferrent place then end of prompt:
    ValueError: could not convert string to float: ‘0.8 | holographic effect’

  6. Hi, My text to image seems not working, when I opened it the frist time, it led me allo download some files. Then it shows
    file does not pass MD5 checksum
    Hash calculated as D4……..
    Should be CA……

    And let me restart the app. I tried it but it still has the error even I reinstall the app again.

    If anyone has met this issue that could help me. Thanks!

    • Which model is it failing to download?

      Reinstalling won’t make a difference. The issue is that one of the machine learning model files that are required for Text-to-Image cannot be correctly downloaded from the host (an external web server that I have nothing to do with).

  7. Hello, Ive just been introduced to this wonderfull & infinite fountain of magic that youve developed and generously made available. Probably youve received this question many times, but is there a macintosh version or a similar software with which I can work with on mac? Thanks!

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